Friday, November 18, 2011


by yourguiltypleasure @ 18 Nov 2011 12:47 am
Honestly I wish no one was able to leave comments on this site. I think all the juvenile bickering should be done on youtube, anyone on this site participating in the petty arguements on this site look stupid as hell... myself included because I had fed into it also. But I do feel the need to defend Kim because she means that much to me, and I will resort to low blows in doing so. I cant stand reading the comments on this site.. it makes me wanna vomit. seriously. Im gonna air everything out right now and speak nothing but the truth on this whole stupid ass situation everyone on here seems to be arguing about all the time & I will never participate in the back and forth bickering again.
by yourguiltypleasure @ 18 Nov 2011 02:41 am
I want everyone to read this:
It definitely sheds light on Kim's story and presents factual information w/ sources close to any situation mentioned.
Nicki is mentioned in the more recent parts of the article.. and regardless of what y'all have said in all these comments over time
I just hope both Kim and Nicki fans can see the big picture and stop being so biased.
Kim is my girl and I'll stand by her until the day I die but I'm done hating on Nicki to get my point across.
I've only done that on this website btw, you'll never see me hating on Nicki on twitter or youtube..
not that any of y'all know who I am on either anyways but I do see comments about her every day.
and honestly I just gotta be real with y'all. BOTH WOMEN are talented in their own ways and have made a living off their talent alone,
thats something that needs to be recognized. none of us on this dumbass website are able to do that, we are all beneath both of them!
I dont even know why I visit this website to tell you the truth, I dont need it to keep up with QB or anything she has going on..
its just habit I guess. anyways, people are so blinded by "the beef" and diss tracks its ridiculous. Kim and Nicki have both
influenced peoples lives in positive ways and even changed peoples lives completely.
by yourguiltypleasure @ 18 Nov 2011 02:44 am
Thats a fact, even though it may be hard for some
people to fathom due to their love for their fave and misplaced hate towards the other. I am not a Nicki fan, but I am not ignorant either..
I can understand why people like her. Even though some people insist that shes a manufactured product, an illuminati puppet, sellout and
whatever else.. I know that she is a real person just like everyone else. I actually dont think any of those things are true. first of all,
you're a damn fool if you believe in the illuminati. Also, whether Nicki's haters wanna admit it or not she is creating her own lane in a way by
incorporating pop into her music. No bitch besides her has ever had the balls to do it, and mc lyte was right when she said its a smart
business move, but I also think she is just expressing who she is. I think its inside of her while it may not be in other artists.
Obviously someones music is a reflection of who they are. She was also right when she said Nicki is a mesh of artists that came before her. you can OBVIOUSLY see Nicki has been
influenced by other artists, all the greats actually. From what I see and from what she has said I think its safe to say her biggest infleunces
have been Kim, and Lauryn Hill. Both women have a story to tell.. and it shows through their music. If you listen to still I rise, or dear
old Nicki.. you'll realize the bitch aint as shallow or cold hearted as you may think.
by yourguiltypleasure @ 18 Nov 2011 02:45 am
If you listen to hold on, heavenly father, or last day
you GOT to feel for Kim. Both women are and will continue to feel more pressure and criticism than any of us could ever imagine. I honestly dont
believe the beef was started by either woman individually. I mean think about it.. Kim has stated that she would have welcomed Nicki with open arms,
and even attempted to do so... and Nicki always acknowledged Kim's greatness and impact on the industry. She herself has said she loves her,
respects her, and believes Kim is the best to ever do it and have the biggest movement thus far. This beef was started by the industry and media,
plain and simple. Even though Nicki put it down on wax first, I understand why she was hurt by it all. Wanna know whose more to blame for all of this than either of them?
Wayne and Baby, for being little bitches and not knowing how to properly handle business. Ray J and Drake, for being little bitches and sticking their noses
where they definitely dont belong because they're fuckin losers.
by yourguiltypleasure @ 18 Nov 2011 02:46 am
Was Nicki reaching when she said Kim is a has been? Of course, Kim is a legend and known more so
as the queen of rap than any other bitch thats ever done it. Was Kim reaching when she said Nicki is a Lil Kim clone clown? Yeah, she was. But its beef and
women are catty! Both women refuse to back down and I dont blame them... As an artist you'd lose respect if you did. Nicki is brave
for going up against Kim, not many others have and they all have failed. To compare the two isnt fair and honestly its just fucking annoying.
I know Kim is flattered that another artist drew inspiration from her, and in my opinion its helped Kim because shes finally getting
the recognition she deserves as a fashion icon. Before Nicki, not everyone realized just how far Kim took fashion. I dont think it was ever meant
for the two to like eachother. since Kims career began 16 years ago no other female besides Nicki has done things as big to even be compared to Kim
(chart success, fashion statements, tv shows, major endorsement deals, etc) and thats where the comparisons are drawn from. Do I enjoy Nicki's music?
No. It doesnt do much for me, but whats the fuckin problem if it does for someone else? Why would I care? I dont. I dont have any hate for Nicki...
I have no reason to hate her or even dislike her.
by yourguiltypleasure @ 18 Nov 2011 02:50 am
She doesnt mean that much to me. Im not a fan, I dont think I ever will be... But why put so much
energy towards someone you're not a fan of? Instead of directing hate towards people you supposedly dont like, why not only show support to the ones you do?
Anytime a Kim or Nicki fan mentions the other all it does it make the other more relevant to the world and in the minds of people reading or listening. Why do
people argue and bash other peoples favorites to them anyways? I dont think theres any chance in persuading people to change their minds, it's like beating
a dead horse. Dont count on either women going away anytime soon, and just know that bashing either of them isnt going to make it happen. Every successful female
has their time to shine, and I guess right now is Nicki's time.. but it wont last forever. Somebody else will always be there to steal the spotlight in due time,
and it will happen to Nicki. She's turning 29 this year, realistically you cant expect her to make music for the next 15 years like Kim has until she's 44.
Nicki was on the grind since about 2003 to get to where she is now.. and you cant deny that now shes working hard to try and make a difference and living for
herself and her family. Honestly I couldnt care less how much success Nicki has, I'm not a fan and it doesn't affect me.
by yourguiltypleasure @ 18 Nov 2011 02:51 am
Kim has gone above and beyond all expectations
and if she died tomorrow she would go down as a hip hop legend and definitely be a tough act to follow. Kim has been the first to do so many things
(shake up the charts, reach multi-platinum status, make extreme fashion statements, have major endorsement deals, etc) so no matter how many females accomplish
those same things, they'll always come second to Kim.. but that doesn't mean they deserve any less recognition for doing so. Kim blazed a trail for females
in the rap game that could only be done once, and she did it all by herself.. and she did it BIG. that's why she's the biggest and most notorious rap bitch
to ever walk the earth. Kim broke down barriers Nicki is now stepping over. Kim was heavily criticized for the same things Nicki is now praised for. Sure Nicki coined the
Barbie phrase, but what other female referred to themselves in that way besides Kim? No one. Would Nicki be taken seriously rapping in multi colored wigs if it wasn't for Kim? No.
She would be ridiculed and become the laughing stock of the music industry unless she had the talent to persevere like Kim did.
by yourguiltypleasure @ 18 Nov 2011 02:53 am
There's female rap before Kim
(mc lyte, queen latifah, roxanne shante, salt n pepa, da brat, etc) and female rap after Kim (trina, charli baltimore, eve, remy ma, nicki minaj, etc) the difference is obvious.
before Kim females although talented, were still dressing like dudes and never got the amount of recognition they deserved. Kim challenged male chauvenism and changed the game,
she not only opened doors in music but in fashion and star potential also. Kim wasn't the first female to rap about sex, but no one before her embraced femininity as strongly as she did
and after Kim made it big the impact was felt. at the end of the day, I think it's fair to say Kim is to female rap what Michael Jackson is to pop and just like him I feel she wont
get the overall respect she deserves until shes no longer here with us. So many similarities between the two.. huge success, surgeries that stemmed from deeper issues, inspiration seen
in artists today, major impacts on their craft of music.
by yourguiltypleasure @ 18 Nov 2011 02:54 am
Just like Kim, Nicki has already recieved a huge amount of criticism.. but who knows maybe how shes brought pop music into her
hip hop labeled music will open a door for people in the future. Really it doesnt matter to me but I wrote this novel to set everyone straight lmao chances are these two names will always
be brought up together for a while in the future so all the bickering queens should get used to it and get used to wasting their time chirping like the hens they are.
"they're so quick to tell you everyone's different; look past the small things.. everyone isn't."

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